ok here i pose the most elementary theory to date.  there is something wrong with the way we live.  probably a lot more than just something.  maybe like a whole freaking ton of things.  but i guess that's to come later

go ahead, google some info here.   over half of the prescriptions given today are for antidepressants, over half!  that beats out pills for heart disease, erectile dysfunction, the common cold.  everything all put together!

then fox news reports that 46% of americans at one point in their lives will have some form of mental illness.  

are there really that many people that are messed up?  or perhaps we can take another look at this.  the society that we are living in is not how we are supposed to live.  the pressures that are put on us to sucseed, the competition, the work load, the busyness, the disconnect.  its just not how humans are supposed to live.  

take it another step further and weed out all thos on prescrition medication and those who at one point in their lives or another will have a mental illness.  now lets see who is left over.  i'm betting half are self medicating with drugs, alcohol, pornography, or other various mental escapes from what we consider the real world.

think of the matrix, there were those who rejected the system.  what if this is our way of rejecting the system.  but the system says there is nothing wrong with the system, and that we need to take medication in order to deal with it.  please dont for a second thing i actually speak of something like the matrix, it was just an analogy.

i realize that the days of yesteryear are often looked on with gleamy eyes and we pear back to an existence that never was.  but i dont for one second think that 1/2 of the people that lived back yonder were mentally ill.  i dont for one second think that they just missed out on taking all of this medication but they really needed it.  come on now.  what are we doing to ourselves to drive us to these points?


Yeah, I think our current understanding of true mental illness is pretty crude. I imagine that 10 or 20 years from now, things like ADD and ADHD will be diagnosed very differently.

Also, when "depression" is included in the list of mental illness, that skews it a bit. Half of the people will at some time struggle with a mental illness? I don't think it's odd to think of someone losing a family member being depressed.

Last point is that there's always an inherent bias when the people who measure are the people who benefit. Just like the media "makes" news (because it's to their advantage to have big stories), the mental health profession (as a profession, and I'm not singling anyone out here) benefits from a high rate of mental illness.

Interesting fact, though. You know the profession with the highest rate of mental illness? Mental health.

Crazy is contagious.


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