Everyone knows how strong a steel bar is, everyone has been hit by a drop of rain. I tell you this, there is a drop of rain out there powerful enough to shatter a steel bar. A drop of rain that finds the most infinite weakness in the steel bar, falling from 10,000 feet where it was birthed the rain drop will fall and fall until the steel is in just the right position for the drop to hit it just right, in that one spot, that only that drop of rain could hit. Then my friends, you will see, that bar of steel was just a weak thing being held together by its own strength, that it had great weakness all along, it just had to be unlocked. Then it is just to be judged, is it the saddest thing to see something so powerful brought down by something so small, or so amazing that something so small brought down something so strong, or maybe just a bit of both.

Wiliam Bochkay



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