ok so furthermore... if we are flawed due to the fall.  if at heart we are messed up, screwed up, weird individuals, then how could we possibly become more than what is in our nature to be?

we put on these shiny coats of normalcy and pretend that we are like what we perceive everyone else to be... normal.  we try to keep up with everyone else to maintain the same normalcy that they seem to have.  but it's not normal, it's not reality.  the reality is that we are flawed, we do not have it all together, we will never have it all together.

but what is this? humility.  it's a wonderful gift.  what is the opposite?  self pride. the only thing self pride will achieve is a way over estimated opinion of ones self.  because if one is flawed but yet starts to think that one is not flawed, then what is it but a denial of ones self.



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