This will be my first official mess i'd say.

I have insomnia.  Haven't been able to sleep.  Turn the computer off right?  

Anyway, while not being able to sleep I sit here and think and there are a couple things that happen to pop into my mind.  So we'll just go for it... ready... set...

Ha, jumped before the Go.

Ok so abortion really facinates me.  Not facinates in a oh wow thats so neat way, but rather a I cant wrap my mind around it way.  But let me back up and say my heart goes out to anyone tha has had an abortion.  i cant imagine the pain and suffering that it's caused and i so wish i could reach in and touch their lives.  It is often looked at as an unforgivable sin.  I just dont buy into that.  i think they need love and support.  So before anyone thinks that i am bashing people here see the previous disclaimer.

wrapping my head around it-  the doctors who preform them.  i could see a doctor that is hardened going into the field thinking he is helping the person who is asking for one. i could even see the doctor preforming one.  but i cant see after the first one how he or she wouldnt throw up and realize what they have done.  it's the continuing on part that i dont understand.  to do it day in and day out.  Sucking babies out with a tube with so much force it rips the arms, legs and head off.  or burning it alive with a solution, or chopping it up to bits?  i cant get that.  i tried to find some statistics on how many abortion doctors have kids.  couldnt find any.  did find a couple interesting articles on doctors that gave up the practice.  i just image it is such a horrible surreal thing.

next up, in my randoms searches on abortion i came across an article that stood up for the right to choose.  i loved it!  still cant wrap my head around this crap either.  send me some hate mail and let me know why i am just an unevolved man.  but in this article the person gives count of a woman who had an affair and got pregnant.  she didnt want her husband to find out, so she had a back alley abortion and ended up dying from it.  and the person said that if abortions had been legal that she wouldnt have died.

i am very sorry the woman died.  it's a terrible thing.  but lets face facts.  if she wouldnt have had an affair she wouldnt have died (well at least not because of that)  and if she wouldnt have been afraid to tell the truth she wouldnt have died.  so the defense of the pro choice movement in this case is just baffling.  

cant wrap my mind around this stuff.  what happened to the american dream?  was it a dream i had?  at one point in time wasnt it noble to do the right thing?  werent people admired for doing the right thing? or telling the truth, or facing their actions?  when did we trod on down the dellusional path that there are no consequences to our actions?  it's just freaking plain physics people!  and we wonder why our kids are so messed up?  tell them everything you want!  tell them not to steal but sure, download movies and music for free.  tell them not to lie, but when you get pulled over by  a police officer, lie to get out of the ticket.  tell them not to use drugs, but medicate yourself with booz, pills, and porn.   

i think our society has had an aboriton on itself and we're the left over aftermath.

a couple more things....

i'm not a downer, just a jaw dropped individual that gets caught up in these glimpses of life that i cant turn away from.  like watching a car wreck or a fire, or a really bad sitcom.

i do believe there is hope.  i believe there are wonderful people in this world that are trying to shine and light others on the way.  I believe in the mighty sovereign God and Lord Jesus Christ.  I know that having said that opens me way up to personal attacks at my intelligence all the way down to my spelling... and i'm ok with that :)  but asa i was saying, i believe there is hope and i want to be a hope bringer too.  i want to strive to be someone that can be looked at and said, hey he's doing something different.  i think we should amass an army of doing something different people.  the DSD army!  join us.  "you made them strong, we made them DSD strong"  i just really need help here people. 

some thoughts to go out on here...
why is it that if a woman is driving to get an abortion and gets hit by a drunk driver and killed... the driver can get 2 counts of vehicular homicide?

why is it a man has no say in the matter of an abortion?  

would you like knowing that someone had the power to terminate your child without your consent?

i know i touched on a lot here that all deserves it's own special time, and it will get that.  until then...

stay gooey



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