I thought of you today
I hear a lot of talk about american being a Christian nation. i hear a lot of hollywood saying that's what's wrong with this country. and it would be much better if we were not a Christian nation.
i dont think we are. i would love to see a nation of Christians. where...
people werent afraid to tell another person the truth
lying wasnt a daily occurnce
if someone gets pulled over for speeding they say, yes i was speeding
in courts people plead guilty when guilty and simply ask for mercy
where marriages laster and family meant something
where standards were held, but those outside were accepted
where instead of the what i get mentality we have the what can we give
a nation of people with no fear but full of compassion
a nation that didnt have a first strike policy
a nation where the nightly news said this happened today and its all going to be ok
i would love to see that. if we had that.... i think a lot of people would take notice. that would be the real lamp on the table.
Actually i lied. the crisis is not over. in order for it to be over there would have to be a beginning. and the truth is it never began. there never was a crisis. despite what the news would have you believe. despite what the government would have you believe. despite what your fears tell you. there was never a crisis.
if you cant pay your mortgage... its not a crisis
if we get an inch of snow... its not a crisis
if our economy wrecks and falls....not a crisis
no matter what happens life will go on, or it will cease. in either case there is no need to worry and no need to fret.
we have gotten to the point in this country that everything is a crisis of monumental proportion. the next one bigger than the last. everything is sensationalized. but that isnt the way it really is. if we get an inch of snow it is not the end of the world. heck even if it is the end of the world, its not the end of our world, for those saved in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 6:25 (New International Version)
Do Not Worry 25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
Matthew 6:27 (New International Version)
27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[a]?
Matthew 6:31 (New International Version)
31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
Matthew 6:34 (New International Version)
34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 10:19 (New International Version)
19But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say,
Mark 13:11 (New International Version)
11Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.
Luke 12:11 (New International Version)
11"When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say,
Luke 12:26 (New International Version)
26Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
Luke 24:38 (New International Version)
38He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?
Just a simple question this morning.... If one has come to know Christ, how could one not be zealous.
Zealotry was a movement in first century Judaism, described by Josephus as one of the "four sects" at this time. The term Zealot, in Hebrew kanai (קנאי, frequently used in plural form, קנאים), means one who is on behalf of God. The term is Greek in origin. ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zealous
Full of persistent fervent devotion to a cause.www.godonthe.net/dictionary/z.html
born rejected
completely defective
sins of my father
running through my veins
cast out by my self
put up on a shelf
left to die
saved by One
tried in vain
life was pain
no purpose i had
till i found you
now i've found
it's been quite profound
i'm washed clean
do you know what i mean
new as snow
ready to go
giving my life
to the one who saved it
if i died today
if i wept you'd say
if i slipped tomorrow
and broke into sorrow
if i ran a long time
but did not finish the line
if i lost, if i failed
did it all but was nailed
if it matters
if it doesnt
if i will, if i wont
if does not exist
just a mere twist
of reality you'll see
what was, was
what is, is
what will be will be
if is just a limitless posibility
that robs you blind
of your sane mind
have you seen that flick yet? great movie. my favorite park is when tony stark is telling pepper that he should have died, and he had been given this new life to do something with. he had purpose. he said there was only the mission.
much the same when we are reborn in Christ we experience death and rebirth. and the fact of the matter is we deserved to die. we were given this new life and there should only be the mission.
it wouldnt be a very good story if tony stark had come back and not done anything different... so lets not do the same things we have done, lets break out of this cycle and be amazing heros.
ok here i pose the most elementary theory to date. there is something wrong with the way we live. probably a lot more than just something. maybe like a whole freaking ton of things. but i guess that's to come later
ok so furthermore... if we are flawed due to the fall. if at heart we are messed up, screwed up, weird individuals, then how could we possibly become more than what is in our nature to be?
for most of my life there has been a war going on in my mind. i have never felt good enough to be loved. i have never felt smart enough. never felt as attractive. and at some point in my life there was a voice that came along and said that "you are good enough" and all the other things that are ego boosters or whatever.
just a short note here. are you a fan of hamburger as much as i am? i love grilling up burgers during the summer. great stuff! but i dont know why it is that we must be decieved in order to buy meat.
did you know that fresh looking hamburger that you buy at your local store is tampered? you know hows its all red and juicy and bloody? looks good huh? well of course its a lie. meat is not red and bloody like that. well at least not the meat that you buy at the stores that you shop in. once you open up the package and cut into the meat you will see its actual color and texture. a sort of drabbish grey pink color. but in order to sell us meat and to make it appear fresher there is a solution that is applied to it.
why? do we seriously have to be led into thinking that meat doesnt look like meat in order to buy it? cant we just sell it as it actually is? is it necessary to dumb people down or to change reality????
i guess it is because we have become a society of people who are not what they are. everything is fake and real is a rare beautiful thing.
i mean that. i hope that God blesses our country. i hope an amazing thing happens in our country that reverts us back to a culture with meaning and depth. it's just not what i see right now. we were founded on such great ideals. our justice system was fantastic. i dont care if you say it's flawed or not, everything is flawed anyway. our justice system was about as good as it gets.
ever seen the stickers on cars that say "aint skeered" or "no fear"?
i will refrain from voicing my opinion on the actual stickers themselves, only to say that either the person who created them is a genius, or just had a moment of greatness out.
how about this on
John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
to put it plainly... fear = sin
fear is a sin, and sin causes fear.
in the garden adam hid from God. he was afraid of God, because he had sinned. fear seperates us from God.
what do we have to fear besides God? God is our creator, and savior. if we are saved through Christ do we have anything to fear? the mightiness of God is enough to cause fear yes. and that is always to be respected and given it's rightful place. but fear aside from that is sin.
afraid you wont get that promotion? how about that new house? loan wont come through for the car you want? are you going to be able to pay your mortgage payment?
thats fear. Gods plans are perfect for you. He asks tough things from time to time, but if we submit and accept His plans and do not fear what is in store for us (besides ultimately we will submit one way or another), it keeps us from seperation from God as well as keeping us joyful for His acts and works in our lives.
Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
we are taken care of. it is often how we misperceive our needs when we get confused. especially living in america. we are a spoiled nation that has forgotten the face of it's father (to borrown from the dark tower). the feeling of entitlement and the craving to have and consume has given us a spirit in which we have set God aside to have the newest deteriorating things. what do we need to live, to really live? look around the world and you will see examples of how little it takes to live. if you do not have a new bmw you will not die. if you do not have a new armani something or other... it's going to be ok.
fear is in the bible 326 times. most of which is either preceeded by "do not" or fear God.
a friend of mine one time told me that there are going to be two outcomes of a given situation. 1 you will live through it. 2 it will kill you.
now given all of the situations that we are in even on a daily basis.... we are going to live through the overwhelming majority of these situations right? ok if we live through it then we can check that box off. even if its something painful, its only temporary. in two ways one is that our bodies are temporary, the other is... think about something painful you went through... can you actually remember the physical pain? no, its gone. it's as fleeting as this life!
ok.. if we die from the 1 given situation that will take us out of this life... we're covered right? if you believe in Christ and have a relationship with him you are covered. so check that off your list.
so really, cant we all say aint skeered?
i attend the vineyard group of churches and enjoy it very much. i came from another denomination, at least in a way. i had gone to a church for a time period, but wasnt committed and didnt have a heart for it. when i found the vineyard it really just clicked in me. it's a great movement that is going on in this country.
if you've ran in any sort of church circles, well scratch that, if you have grown up in america you know there has been a lot of animostiy between the different denominations. i have even hear people at the vineyard speak ill of different denominations. it is not the norm. most people at the vineyard are very open and embrace our brothers and sisters of other faiths. my pastors even starts our service every sunday praying for the other churches that meet in our community. just the same i do not believe it is the norm of other denominations either. maybe slighty more prevelant in some. and i know there have been some pastors or preists that have come out against certain denominations.
i disagree with all of this. i think most of it stems back to fear. sometimes people feel that they have to justify themselves. in order for them to be right someone else has to be wrong. with this mentality if i order a steak and someone else orders a salad the salas eater must be wrong for me to be right (rabbits are rarely wrong from my experience). if someone buys a dell and i buy a mac, the dell user would have to be wrong (dang it macs are so awesome!). every little thing would have to come down to a right and wrong.
while i believe that there are certain concrete right and wrongs. i also believe that we are responsible for ourselves. and the only thing that we need for justification is God. we do not have to berrate people or tell people they are wrong. we do not have to say since you jump around in church or since you sit quietly you are not doing it right. we need to grow into a mature faith of acceptance of other denominations for their differences. if the body of the church shows the world animosity between its own denominations, all we are doing is showing the world to the world. we are supposed to be different than the world. accepting those not acccepted, embracing those not embraced. loving those not loved and helping those not helped. but if we cant even do that with our own brothers and sisters what hope is there to do it with the rest of the world?
i hear a lot of talk about unity. which is great. but usually when i hear it, it's used in a manner of saying... "we need unity, God wants unity, so you are supposed to stop what you're doing and join us because we're right"
are we not unified in Christ? are we not unified in our mission to spread the good news?
so before you say something about a denomination stop and think about it. is what you are saying furthering the the body of christ? or is what you are saying tearing it apart. are you saying it for your own gain? so you can justify yourself by saying another is wrong? remember, if you find yourself being spiritual fed one place and not another, the other person might feel the same way.
if writing a formal letter i will use correct capitalization. if communicating with a customer i will use capitalization. writing a blog... i will not. i was watching the science channel the other day and they had an episode on about the brain in which they said humans can think at a rate of 100,000 words per minute. so no matter how fast i type i wont be able to keep up... but i sure am not going to let capping an i or first letter of a sentence slow me down more. the only time you'll see it is when i feel it is absolutley important to convey a message.... GO IT?
This will be my first official mess i'd say.
Ok so maybe the first post should be explaining the title. I'm not good with titles, just kind of drew a blank. Then i started thinking of what i'd be doing, just spilling some random thoughts out. And started thinking, hey i wonder what that would look like. Probably pretty messy if you could see thoughts spilling out from my head, or seeping out my ears like pancake batter. so hence the name.